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How to light up your next corporate event


Howard Werner | Principal of Lightswitch NY

In this illuminating conversation, we shine a light on corporate events with Howard Werner, Principal of the New York office of Lightswitch, and lighting designer extraordinaire. Howard is a super-bright guy filled with enlightening insights. So, if you want to learn how to light up your next corporate event, then hit the download button, screw your headphones on tight, and get ready to take notes.

A celebrated lighting, projection, and multimedia designer, Howard Werner has spent over 30 years illuminating Broadway and beyond. He began his career in Chicago during the burgeoning theatre movement of the 1980s and has since gone on to light numerous award-winning stage productions and earn recognition as a Live Design Master Class presenter. Recent credits include media design for hit musicals “Dreamgirls” and “Spiderman: Turn off the Dark.” He is just as likely to be found off the stage too, designing lighting for architectural installations such as Ci Siamo, a new restaurant in NYC, the remodeling of the Mayfair Hotel in Coconut Grave and the redesign of the Peabody Museum at Yale University. In the corporate entertainment world Howard has done projects for many companies including Audi, Chrysler, Heineken, Harley Davidson, Salesforce, and Lowes.


Hosted and Written by Jeremy Dobrish

Produced by Bethany Potter

Theme Music by Mike Mancini

Logo design by Shraddha Maharjan

Special thanks to Dossie McCraw


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